The hotel industry has a rich history and a future yet to be discovered. Centuries-old, it evolved over the years, adopting the traditional concept of a “home away from home” to the needs of modern life. This history was written by hoteliers of different nationalities, not only by Americans and the Swiss. The Most Famous Hoteliers Of All Time is a series of books dedicated to prominent...
The hotel industry has a rich history and a future yet to be discovered. Centuries-old, it evolved over the years, adopting the traditional concept of a “home away from home” to the needs of modern life. This history was written by hoteliers of different nationalities, not only by Americans and the Swiss. The Most Famous Hoteliers Of All Time is a series of books dedicated to prominent...
Audiobook Tami Bear and the Tomato Mystery - a fun, educational and adventurous book with rhymes about healthy eating and benefits from eating veggies, ideal for preschoolers and picky eaters.
Tami Bear is a world-famous vegetable and fruit expert. Early morning he receives a letter from Gardenia. The letter was written by Grando, the chief of the gobics, little people who are famous for their juicy...
Książka w 3 wersjach językowych. Michał Strogoff: Kurier carski. Michel Strogoff: Courrier du tsar. Michael Strogoff: The Courier of the Czar. Tekst - Text - Texte: Polski / Français / Englisch. Michał Strogow - dwutomowa powieść przygodowa z cyklu „Niezwykłe podróże”. / Le roman raconte le périple de Michel Strogoff, courrier du tsar de Russie de Moscou à Irkoutsk,...
A young writer becomes entangled in an illicit gypsy love affair, pulling her into a world of secrets, deception and dark desire.
Summer, 1976. Luz de Rueda returns to her beloved Spain and takes a job as the biographer of a famous artist. On her first day back in Cádiz, she encounters a bewitching, passionate young gypsy, Leandro, who immediately captures her heart, even though...
Wyobraź sobie małe, nierentowne stoisko rybne.
Czy potrafiłbyś zmienić taką firmę w modelową organizację, która stanie się wzorem dla korporacji z całego świata?
Czy zdołałbyś przyciągnąć do zwykłego stoiska rybnego tłumy dziennikarzy, nie wydając ani grosza na reklamę?
Czy napisałbyś o stoisku rybnym książkę, która zostałaby przetłumaczona na 34 języki?
Czy potrafiłbyś zachęcić liderów takich firm...